6th Bracknell Scout Group
Jubilee Camp
Bear's Rails 4 - 8 June 2012

Friday 8th June

Last night was one of the windiest any of us can remember - winds up to 60mph! We had one tent failure which collapsed onto its occupants (Kensington - Archie and Tom) - who slept on almost unaware!

Once we had all got up, dressed and breakfasted, we started the packing up. Due to the wind, we had to store everything in the ladies to keep it dry and stop it blowing away! Eventually, with help from the parents, we managed to get the marquee down, and left Bear's Rails after a very enjoyable camp.

Thank you to everyone who came, and thanks to the parents for helping us pack up.

Click here for photos

UPDATE: Thanks to Mairéad Fleming for some more photos from the closing ceremony. Click here to see them.

Thursday 7th June

Once our visitors had left on Wednesday afternoon, we tidied up, had some dinner (sausages and chips) then went to the camp fire and the Explorers lead(!) us in some songs and sketches. Then we toasted (and in some cases, set light to) marshmallows and made s'mores with chocolate biscuits.

On Thursday, we went out for the day. First we went to Savill Gardens and had a horse and carriage ride; followed by a trip to Windsor where we spent some of our pocket money. Lunch in Pizza Hut was followed by a cruise on the river Thames!

Tonight, depending on the weather, we may have a wide game - or some more tent based activities if it's not so good.

Click here for photos

Wednesday 6th June

After dinner on Tuesday night, we had a skittles night in the main tent to keep out of the rain. We laid the tables down and put the benches along the sides to create an alley and we all had a great time.

Click here for photos

Wednesday morning was spent preparing for the open afternoon for Beavers and their parents. We had over 30 visitors who had a great time seeing our camp and looking forward to camping as Cubs.

After playing football and other games, everyone cooked a sausage-in-a-bun before going home.

Click here for photos

Tuesday 5th June

Last night, we went up to the Copper Horse to see the Jubilee Beacon being lit. We were able to see for miles to the North and watched several fireworks displays, one of them going off over Windsor Castle.

There was a count-down from 10 to lighting the Beacon, followed by a rousing chorus of "God Save The Queen", accompanied by a string quartet.

Afterwards, we hiked back to camp for supper, consisting of hot chocolate, fruit cake and Jubilee biscuits.

Click here for photos

This morning we all awoke to a bright, if breezy, morning and got straight into breakfast, followed by the morning activity.

The Explorers built some pioneering projects: a camp gateway; a washing up stand; and a flag pole. The Scouts and Scubs (Kyle, Charlie and Tom) laid out a tracking trail for the Cubs to follow in the afternoon. The Cubs built pyramid fires in the camp-fire circle which were a 'roaring' success (photos here).

After lunch the rain started, but failed to dampen any spirits. The Cubs followed the trail laid out earlier (which unfortunately had been partially destroyed by some passing idiots), while the others played cricket, volleyball and football in the rain (how very British!)

We are now sheltering in various tents, where the Cubs have activities, and the Scouts and Explorers are doing their own thing!

Click here for photos

Monday 4th June

Today we spent most of our time setting up camp. After tea, we played games in various parts of the camp site.

Tonight, we are planning to hike up to the Long Walk, to see the Queen's Jubilee Beacon which is being lit. Hopefully we'll be able to see some other beacons from here!

Click here for photos

Sixth Bracknell Jubilee Camp

4th-8th June 2012
Bear's Rails

Welcome to the Jubilee Camp mini-site. Use the navigation bar to view information about the camp.

During the camp week, we will endeavour to update the mini-site on a daily basis with information and pictures of the Cubs' and Scouts' activities.